Category: Controversial Lectures H thru P

Rev Phil Valentine "Math of the Beast"

Omali Yeshitela "If Jesus was a Revolutionary Why is your preacher..."

Na'im Akbar "Quest for Mental Health in a Racist Society"

Dr. Khalid Muhammad "The Meaning of Christmas & Kwanza" Video

Bro Sam "Metaphysical Matrix"

Phil Valentine "Nano Genetic Mind Control..."

Phil Valentine "Light-Code Transmissions (The Matrix)"

Bobby Hemmitt "Inside the Gay Boule"

Bobby Hemmitt "Mental Genocide"

Anpu "Occult Science & Slave Consciousness" DVD

Dr. Ray Hagins "How to De-Activate Your Willie Lynch Chip"

Dr. Alim EL Bey "History of the Washitaw Moors"

Moorish Science & Codes

The Mormon Masonic Connection

Pyramid of Fire: The Lost Aztec Codex: Spiritual Ascent / End of Times

Dr. James Garrett "Japan & the New World Order"

Bro's R.V. Bey & Taj Tarik Bey "The Psychology of Astrology"

Bobby Hemmitt "Live & Raw"

Martial Law & The Rise of the Police State

Clay EL Bey "History of The Moors in the U.S"

A. Ralph Epperson "The New World Order" video

Azzaziel "Montauk Project & The Cosmic Destruction"

Rev Phil Valentine "The Metaphysics of DNA"

Phil Valentine: Operation Death March #3

Khalid Muhammad Vs Pastor Chuck Singleton

Dr. Alim EL Bey "The Root of the Old & New Testament"

The Hidden Dangers of Bottled Water & Cell Phones DVD

Herb-An-Voodoo " The Magical use of Nature DVD

The Power of Building your Alter with Crystals DVD

The Prison Industrial Complex Pt2 DVD

The Obama Administration & the Future of the Black World DVD

Prof Griff Psychological War on Hip Hop DVD


Moorish Nationality - Moorish Law Birth Right & Law

Bobby Hemmitt "History of Melanin"

Bro. True Master "The Metaphysics of Nobility" Commerce & Karma

Brother David Johnson "The Next Global Crisis"

The Other Israel -- (Jewish conspiracy for world control)

Malcolm X "The Oxford Debate 1964 & 1962 Interview on Open Mind"

Sabir Bey "Overstanding the Language of Law"

Phil Valentine: Operation Death March HAARP Hurricane Katrina

Phil Valentine: Operation Death March #2 Inside the HAARP Program

Hyperspace Technology

Bobby Hemmitt "Hip Hop & The Conspiracy to Destroy"

Brother Alim El. Bey "The War of the Worlds" Hurricane Katrina & HAARP

Prof. George Simmonds "Crimes of the Pope"

The Magick of Solomon DVD

The Mighty Hebrew : One up on the Frequency DVD

Hillary! Uncensored’ Banned by the Media DVD

KRS-1 History of Hip Hop DVD

Haiti and the Devil (Metaphysics 102) DVD

Jay-Z Deception DVD

Islam, Kemet, Religion, Bible / Quran & Ancient Scrolls DVD

Bro Ras Ben "The Heavens are Open" DVD

Bro. Israel Karma "Cause & Effect" DVD

Brother Azzaziel " Operation Mind Control"

More Secrets More Lies DVD

A Man and his Mission "Dr. Bobby Wright " Video

The Interview "Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad"

Prof. Ray Hagins: The Illegitimacy of a People Called Jews

African Presence in Mexico "OLMECS " Mathu Ater

Entire Phil Valentine Video Collection (70 DVDs)

Dr. Cornel West "Peoples Organization For Progress Rally"

Dr. Angela Davis "Are Prisons Obsolete"

Maurice Bishop "Speaks from Hunter College 6/83"

Bro. Sha & Bro Tehuti "Islam & Kemet"

Black Dot & Prof Griff "What the Bleep...Do You Know about Hip Hop"

Black Dot "Hip Hop is Dead"

Islam "African or White Arab religion

L. Williams "The Notary & More"

Na'im Akbar "Nile Valley Origin of the Science of the Mind"

Cube of Space "Qabala & Freemasonry"

Chief Liberation "Hancock" The Metaphysical Breakdown

How to Time Travel DVD

Judaism: The Stolen Religion from Africa DVD

New Rulers of the World DVD

Bro. King Supreme "Male & Female Principle of the Universe

Nature, Nurture, & the Power of Love DVD

National Treasures-Secret Signs & Symbols of the U.S. Founding Fathers

Omari Miles-El "How to Cancel Contracts" DVD

Kemet on Trial "Israelite Vs Kemet" DVD

Hebrew Israelites Speak!!!

Monkey Blood (Ring of Power 2)

Sister Yaffa Bey "How to Survive the Fall of Rome"

What Will We Tell Our Children Video "Dr. John H. Clarke & Dr. Ben"

Moorish Code Class #2

Dr. Kilindi Iyi "Polygamy and the Divine Family"

Phil Valentine "Meta-Somatic Awaking of Self"

Holy Lies "The Hidden History of Christianity"

Khalid Muhammad "Police Brutality"

Taj Tarik Bey "Nigger Industry"

Dr. Oyebo "Origins of the Cosmos"

Bobby Hemmitt "Home Land Security"

Taj Tarik Bey & Nature EL Bey "Protocols of Liberty"

An Inside look at The Moors & Khemet "Parthenogenesis"

Natural Tahuti "The Power of Female & Male"

Dr. Wesley Muhammad "Master Fard Muhammad" - The Man Vs The Myth

Highway to Hell DVD

How Many of Our Leaders Must Be Persecuted Before We Wake Up?

Moorish Science 101 "Brother C. Freeman EL"

Dr Edward Scobie & Dr. Molefi Asante "From Greece to Columbus"

Protocols of Zion (2004)

The Illuminati Vol 2

Bro. Isa Alramadhan Maguzawa "Photomagnetic Energy" DVD

Azzaziel "Blackamoor" History of Magic, Alchemy & Witchcraft"

Bro Nakim A. Bey "Masonry Concealment of the Black Man being God"

The Pacifi Antidote

Weather Modifications & Mind Control "H.A.A.R.P."

Dr. Kilindi Iyi "The Melanin Confrence"

Dr. Booker T. Coleman "Hidden Wisdom Within Black Mother Womb"

Brother Sam "A Metaphysical Analysis of the Matrix"

Dr. Joy DeGruy-Leary "Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome"

Dr. William Mackey "The Impact of Zionism Pt.1"

Sista Radine Amen Ra " Importance of Bloodline"

Bobby Hemmitt "Tales From The Dark Side"

Black Dot "Hip Hop Decoded"

Hakim Bey "Moorish Power & Influence"

Bobby Hemmitt "Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome"

Khalid Muhammad "The Mis-Education of The Negro" Video

Dr. Khalid Muhammad "The True Identity of Kemetic People" Video

Alim Bey- Weather Wars- Mother Nature vs. The Beast & Haarp

Prof Griff: Behind the scenes- The Making of the Matrix of Hip Hop

Khalid A. Muhammad: No Holds Barred

Phil Valentine: Master Codes of Enlightenment

Minister Khalid Muhammad "No Holds Barred!"

Bobby Hemmitt "Outside the Circles of Time (part 1)"

Taj Tarik Bey " How to Live within a Common Law Venue"

Solving the Mayan Calendar Mystery

Phil Valentine: The Persecuted Penis

Bro. King Supreme "Kundalini - The Primal Energy of the Universe" DVD

The Obama Decption (Video)

Homosexuality and the Effeminization of the Afrikan Male

The Pope and the Mafia Millions DVD

Lord Graceful Malik "Lost in America Stressed & Led Astray"

Webster Tarpley's Lecture on Obama

"Noble Drew Ali: Prophet of the People" DVD

The Most Evil Men & Women in History DVD

The God Makers II (DVD)

Chief Elder Upchurch "Mechanics of Consciousness"

How to Seduce Women Through Hypnosis DVD

"Darkest Austria" (1994) AKA "How Black People See White Culture"

Chief Elder Upchurch "Metaphysics of Sacrifice"

Prof. James Smalls "Kemetamorphis DVD

Alexis Tylor "Penis Power" Vol. 2

Power of Nightmares "Rise of Politics & Fear"

Mystery lines in the sky (ChemTrails)

Sister Myra Ashera EL "Overstanding The Esoteric Secrets of Commerce"

The Prison Industrial Complex Pt1 DVD

Mau Mau (1952)

Sister Myra Ashera EL "Jurisdiction of Peace"

Alexis Tylor "Vagina Power" DVD

Ludicrous Diversion DVD

Dr. Ali Muhammad "Islam & Moorish History"


Sara Suten Seti "2 Raw 4 YouTube" Vol 2 DVD

MIND CONTROL 4 Reasons of National Security DVD

The Human Zoo DVD

Muhammad Ali: In His Own Words DVD

Healing Sounds

Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls Exposed

Minister Louis Farrakhan "The Making of the White Man"

Money Masters "How International Bankers Gained Control of America"

"Slavery and the Making of America" 4 DVD Set

Ali Muhammad "Honoring the Womb"

The Illuminati Conspiracy Theory

The Capitalist Conspiracy

Alexis Tylor "Penis Power" Vol. 1

Ali Muhammad Vs Natural Tahuti "Is the Black Woman God?"

Abdul Rahim El "Overview of Circle 7"

Supreme Mathematics Inception Of The Vessica Pisces DVD

The Great Debate "Nuwabians Vs. Israelites"

Money As Debt

The Illuminated Chakras - A Visionary Voyage into Your Inner World

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death (Documentary) DVD

Holes in Heaven?

Jordon Maxwell "The Occult World of Commerce"

Brother Del Jones "Invasion of The Body Snatchers" DVD

Maxed Out (2005) DVD

Louis Farrakhan & Khalid Muhammad "True Teachings of Elijah Muhammad"

Jordan Maxwell "Magic Dominates The World"

Brother C. Freeman EL "Libra"

Dr. Jewel Pookrum: The New Technology "Melanin"

Loose Change

Buffalo Soldiers: The Invisible Men of Honor DVD

Biography of Phil Valentine "History of Metaphysics"

The Mastery of Money DVD